
Summer maintenance tips for school playgrounds

Summer holidays are a relaxing time for the students and school team. It is the time when most schools give a summer break to students to enjoy their time with families and friends. Empty schools and playgrounds during the summer need good maintenance work for the safety of the kids.

Most schools choose playground maintenance during summer holidays as kids are enjoying themselves at home. This guide states the best summer maintenance tips for school playgrounds to follow for the safety of children.

Effective tips for summer maintenance for school playgrounds

If you want to provide a safe and exciting playground experience to the kids, follow the below summer maintenance tips for your school playground:

1. Full inspection of the playground

The first step in the maintenance checklist is the inspection of the playground. Inspecting the ground thoroughly will show the broken pieces of equipment and the areas where you need to repair or replace the parts. Apart from that, you will also get the areas that need full surfacing work. Inspection of the playground will reduce the hazards of accidents and increase the safety of the kids.

2. Checking of playground equipment

One of the best summer maintenance tips for school playgrounds is to inspect the playground equipment. You can hire a professional inspector who will check all the playground equipment that is broken or damaged due to rain, dust, and debris. He will check the equipment and repair it or replace the old parts with new parts. Checking the playground equipment will give an idea of the equipment that needs to be removed.

3. Inspect the areas of surfacing

Playgrounds tend to become old due to weather conditions. Loose-fill surfacing is a major problem in old playgrounds. Excess heat, heavy rains, and winds damage the surfacing of the playground. It is necessary to do regular surfacing by filling the durable materials and components. 

Rubber is the widely used surfacing material in most commercial and residential playgrounds. Regular surfacing will increase the strength of the ground and decrease the chances of injuries and accidents.

4. Consider the weather factor

Bad weather affects the playground and its equipment severely. You must inspect the full playground and its equipment to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries. Clean the debris that spoils the look of the playground and cut the open tree roots for the safety of kids when they are playing on swing sets. If any problem occurs in the playground, fix it immediately by calling the professionals.

5. Pest control

Last but not least is pest control treatment in the playground. Pest control methods will control the infestation of pests, flies, mosquitoes, wasps, ants, and mice. They make the playground clean and pest-free for the kids.


These are the best summer maintenance tips for school playgrounds that you can do during the summertime. Some other important tips include mowing grass, cutting weeds and unwanted plants, and using the right playground equipment that will suit your playground in the summer season. You can hire a professional company who can help you in selecting the right products. Funplay Systems is a leading play equipment manufacturer company having many years of experience in offering the best items. We have a wide range of products that can be suitable for both warm and cold weather and can be easy to maintain.

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